My Living ID is indicating that one of the most powerful instruments that you have as a living man or woman is your identification documents when they are created by you and issued by you. Lawful ID supersedes all 'legal' identification. In this way you assert your own authority as you are responsible for you in every choice you make.
A Powerful Solution

My Living ID is offering a service 'in the private' for the people of all Nations by providing Lawful ID template forms. This service is the first ever to offer Lawful Identification created by you and issued by you, the living man/woman. There is no application, registration, external authority or approval involved. There's just one's awareness, honour and integrity.
The way forward to be free

My Living ID indicates that legal identification, beginning with the registered birth certificate, is a contract with a service corporation called government.
My Living ID indicates that an incorporated government and legal system operates under Admiralty/Maritime 'law' (the law of the sea) and all 'PERSONS' who are registered must comply to their rules and policies in the form of Acts, Bills, Canons, Codes, Orders etc.
My Living ID indicates that this service-to-self system is designed to only benefit the few that are willing to exploit the many who are unaware of what and whom they are supporting.

My Living ID indicates that Lawful Identification is to proclaim your natural 'standing' with Common Law/Universal Law and your inherent Inalienable Rights, thus freeing yourself from the 'old ways' whereby the few control the many.
Nothing new can emerge as long as the old stands, and the old ways are observed.
To break through and to break free of the old beliefs, one must by necessity seek the truth that will eventually replace those old ways and systems, those old paradigms.
Be aware that your choice will become your experience, so choose wisely.
You will need to do the work to learn. Your freedom is worth the effort.
My Living ID is indicating that a registered 'BIRTH CERTIFICATE' is 'legal' artificial / fictitious identification owned and issued by a corporation which determines your rights and privileges.
My Living ID indicates that only you can reserve your Inalienable Rights by proclaiming your Living 'standing' with Lawful ID created and issued by you.
Proclaim Your 'Living' Standing

My Living ID indicates that living men and living women have their natural lawful 'standing' with Common Law which has its true foundation in Universal Law, such as the Law of Love, Law of Mercy, Law of Gratitude and Law of Karma. Universal Law is 'common' to each and every entity without exception and is irrevocable.
Your natural 'standing'

My Living ID indicates that Universal Law is 'The Law', whereas 'legal' is only a set of rules and policies in the form of Acts, Bills, Codes, Orders, Mandates etc., created by people acting in roles for government corporations and managed by a private society called the BAR (British Accredited Registry). Such rules only apply to members of the corporation.
Lawful is the highest 'standing'

Learn, Question, and Verify Everything
Change begins with the first step
by applying new information!
Are you willing to
take your step to be
'The Change' for Your Freedom?
Learn to walk without being walked upon
My Living ID is presenting information for a simple, yet self-empowering way to lawfully assert that you as a living man/woman are you and that your property is yours, which includes your given appellation (name), your body, your children, your estate: title of land and house, your motorcar etc., and your ideas, as well as anything you create.
The Lawful Way

Reserves your Inalienable Rights of autonomy and freedom
Asserts your 'standing' with Common Law
Indicates that you are your own authority
Transfers your property, including youths (children), to the dominion of Common Law
Indicates that 'legal' has no jurisdiction over Lawful
Indicates that Acts, Bills, Canons, Codes, Orders, taxes etc. only apply to a 'legal' fiction
Indicates that you are a living man or living woman
You create, own and issue your Lawful ID
My Living ID indicates that in many nations your given appellation (eg John-Henry of the Doe family) has been unlawfully converted to an all upper-case name (eg JOHN HENRY DOE) by the registered birth certificate, which is a legal fiction or legal person, also known as the Straw Man/Straw Woman.
The Silent Trap

My Living ID is indicating that much research and reading may be required to be aware of what 'Lawful' is, since for quite some time 'Legal' has been indoctrinated in almost every Nation as if it is 'The Law' having authority over living men and living women, which it does not.
Knowledge is Power

My Living ID indicates that during President Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address to the Nation on January 11, 1989 he did not point out that 'We The People' are the living men and women who need to 'stand' with Common Law/Universal Law and proclaim our inherent Inalienable Rights. And that 'We The People' must replace the current incorporated 'legal' government with a Lawful Sovereign Government.
The Missing Point