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Cosmic Awareness Messages
Night Sky with Stars
  • COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as ‘Channels’ for the ‘Heavenly Father’ and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the ‘New Age’ of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in die New Age. Throughout the thousands of ‘Readings’ given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness will only ‘indicate’ and ‘suggest’. Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or die Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said." (Cosmic Awareness Communications)

    ". . .  its [Cosmic Awareness] purpose is to assist entities in understanding their place in the universe, their roles , their needs, what it takes to grow and develop their own higher levels of awareness, and to become one with the universe . . ." CA050604

    "There is No Way the Awareness Can Be Compromised: a true Awareness reading cannot occur if there is interference between this Awareness and the Interpreter [Channel]. There are many who would like to think that the government has the kind of power that could put words in the mouth of the Interpreter and take words out of the mouth of this Awareness, but this [Awareness] simply does not allow for this kind of interference. The Interpreter would simply come from trance. By setting aside mind, emotions and feeling, there is a void and that void is broken when anything interferes with the void other than this Awareness, and that void is open only to this Awareness. When energy from this Awareness enters the void, the Interpreter interprets the energy into words that are fitting for the publication." CA030606

  • This Awareness indicates that there are many plans afoot to reduce the word's population. The strongest measure of defense is good health and good attitude. An attitude of gratitude and thanks giving is essential. Positive emotion and emotional well-being is essential. Good health through good nutrition is essential.


    There are a number of agencies at work on both sides; on the side of the Light, of Spirit, that are working to promote understanding and spiritual advancement as well as those on the side of darkness that are working to create fear, panic, disbelief, anxiety, stress, bad health, bad nutrition. One needs to have awareness and willingness to work at good health on all levels to be free of the effects that the Dark Forces are promoting on this planet at this time. This is an active participation in one's health and well-being, not passive.


    There must be a willingness to look at the deep issues that are on the surface fearful; to dig deeper and gain more awareness, and find answers. Nothing is hopeless, and neither is the future. There is great hope and light ahead and this Awareness wishes individuals to pay an attention and stay focused on. There is great hope and great light at this time, and this light is being shown on humanity, on all of this world with the intent to bring people to the light, to bring great hope in these times of darkness and corruption and betrayal. This Awareness asks the individual to always remember this. to always seek the Light, to seek understanding, to seek Awareness when everything around them seems lost, dark, and hopeless.


    These times are difficult times, but they are not hopeless times. They are not without Light and this Awareness asks always that you look to the Light and that you hold to hope, to trust and faith that all will be well in the end. (CA061107)


    This Awareness indicates that the intense changes which are occurring on this plane can be extremely frightening to entities when observing all of the intensities which are occurring from place to place and from time to time. This Awareness indicates that in one sense, most entities are not even touched personally by the change and intensities, except perhaps in some small way, such as in the economic sphere wherein certain personal opportunities are not available, or in some cases, economic hardships become part of one's experience. This Awareness indicates that in this sense, most entities will pass through the greater intensities hardly touched by these intensities.


    This Awareness indicates however, those entities who are aware of the intensities occurring on the many levels in the realms of consciousness concerned with freedom, concerned with the direction of future life upon this planet, concerned with the actions of those who are pulling the strings, concerned with the results of those actions on the future generations or on the present generations in the future--these entities, being aware of these concepts, may feel great concern--great emotional concern and pain in watching that which has been a beautiful experience in life, in watching dreams of a future happiness through hard work, through clear and honest relationships, through pleasant environment of their home, neighborhood, city, state or nation being turned into a battleground between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness, watching and reading about others who are suffering from that awareness; while others who ignore the outside world, who close themselves off from concern for their neighbor, for their fellow associates and countrypeople, from the rest of humanity and its needs--those entities who shut down their sensitivity and concerns for the welfare of others may appear to have less suffering and to be more immune to the changes which are occurring.


    This Awareness indicates in this respect, those who are aware become more vulnerable, and those who are ignore-ant, and who ignore the situation, tuning in only to that which they desire to look at--these entities may experience different kinds of reactions to these changes. This Awareness indicates that some entities may feel it is therefore best to remain ignorant--- that in ignorance there is bliss; while others may say that it is more important to be aware, painfully aware of what is occurring. This Awareness indicates that both arguments may have their benefits and points to make, and entities looking at both sides may wish to choose whether to remain in the darkness, remain ignorant of what is occurring, or to become aware of what is occurring. This Awareness indicates the choice is yours.


    This Awareness reminds entities, however, that the movement of evolution of the spirit is such that when evolving toward levels of consciousness, the evolution requires that entities become more aware, even though it may be more painful in some respects. This Awareness indicates also, that the temporary ignorance, though it may deaden concerns, eliminate temporarily certain painful realizations, the ignorant experience is only that of a temporary buffer against reality. For even those of the type who ignore the dangers, who ignore the facts which point toward certain imminent experiences of a dreaded nature, even those entities while ignoring those facts, are still moving ahead in time toward the destination of whatever occurs, whether seen by them or ignored by them.


    This Awareness indicates it is likened unto the question of whether one wishes to know one's future in advance or be kept in ignorance: whether one wishes to determine some hint of future potentials or possibilities or let everything be a surprise. 'This Awareness indicates that there are some who prefer not to know what will happen from moment to moment, while others desire to know exactly what will happen from moment to moment, and to plan accordingly. This Awareness indicates that while both have their relative value, it becomes a matter of personal choice as to whether one wishes to look forward and prepare themselves for what may occur or remain in present time and be unprepared and unready, and be a victim of circumstances beyond their control.


    This Awareness prefers that entities be made aware of potential experiences, energies in movement, so that they can prepare to meet those situations and circumstances which will surely come, or to change the circumstances and situations so that they need not come about, if such change is possible. (CA Speaks 62)

  • . . . others will inform you very quickly how dangerous and hopeless things are for they are in their fear as well, and as fear is thought to be contagious, it easily affects others who then accept the reality that things are indeed bad and getting much worse, because family and friends all say it is so, and because authorities speak it to be so.


    Yet this Awareness again says that these are the very times that have been spoken of, that have been predicted by many sources and most significantly, most importantly, these are the times you chose to be born into. You came into this time and place with intent and purpose and even the knowing that you would be part of the upheaval, part of this great transformation of humanity. Remember this always as you go through the changes and the chaos they may present.


    Know that even though it is taught and held that you can do little to change your reality, that this is the biggest lie and deception of all. You have chosen to be here now and you also hold it within you to create alternative timelines and to participate in alternative timelines than those that are being projected at you from the Powers That Be who have their hidden agenda and who are in desperation at this time to make it so for themselves.


    As to the events that extend over a period of time versus a single event that will change all, patience is required, especially when it seems that nothing is happening and only those in power seem to benefit from the events that are taking place. It is all illusion and deception you are projecting into the reality of your experience. You can hold that it is not YOUR reality, and it is not YOUR intent to go down that dark pathway that leads to oblivion. You can hold that the events of the world are leading into that bright New Dawn, that bright New Age, and you will be part of this; your loved ones and family will be part of your life and part of your future. Remember you are not alone at this time.


    You are highly evolved spiritual beings that are awakening to this deep truth and spiritual understanding, that Spirit Itself and all the divisions of Spirit, all the levels and layers of Spirit are at full attendance at this time. You do not walk this road alone, even though it sometimes seems to you as individuals that your life is in isolation, is separate from what others think and believe. Even with pressure from what others think and believe. Even with pressure on you to conform it is still important at this time to remember your own inner knowing and to live it, to BE it.


    It is by being what you believe, it is by being your truth that you will work your way through these chaotic challenging times to reach the dawn that lies ahead. (CA141703)

  • From Larry K. He writes: This seems rather extreme. When terrorists openly command any one believing a different religion to convert to theirs or be destroyed, are we to let them just take over? Are we to look the other way when parents are making the#' children walking bombs. Are we to make for more children to he turned into fanatics, believing they will get virgins in heaven after exploding themselves and all other people nearby? How are we to deal with terrorists who have been setting off bombs in many places over the past years?

    I have heard from several sources that Saddam H. used io deal with his political adversaries by running them through industrial shredding machines while they were alive. How do you protect yourself from fanatics who believe from soon after birth that they are the only holy people on the planet, and everyone else needs to convert and he ruled by them or be killed? How can you reason with fanatics who believe they are following Orders from their god? Look at all the battles between our political parties where the future existence of our country and our freedoms taken second place in the greed and hunger for power some of our elected representatives have?

    The uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants is one example. The apparent permanent dependence on foreign oil is another. We can’t even deal with our own fellow citizens diplomatically for our own protection in Washington DC, so how are we going to talk terrorists out of trying to kill us? Does the Awareness have any answers for these questions?"


    This Awareness does indeed have answers to these questions presented, but It does not wish to answer the specific questions, for this Awareness holds that the questions themselves allude to a belief system that allows such to be so, that sees that there is conflict and that these terrorists could inflict upon those who are innocent, their own beliefs and force those who do not believe to either switch to those beliefs or be punished for being heathens, for being those who are non- believers.

    This is a template that has been held throughout mankind's history, of one group or faction holding sway over another, forcing others to believe as they do. and not to do so would be punishable by torture and by death. This is simply a modern-day version of that which has been a strong reality in human consciousness for so long. This Awareness does not wish to talk further on that matter in that regard. It wishes rather, to suggest that one needs to believe beyond the box of that set of beliefs that would hold this so.

    Learn to Think Beyond the Belief System Box

    In other words, do not believe that one would necessarily encounter a terrorist at any time in one’s life, or that even hearing the reports of terrorist activities necessarily has a personal application Instead, begin to create a new reality, a new belief in a higher order, one that does not support such actions. One can be aware of what is happening in the world. One does not necessarily need to energize it support it. or believe in it. It is necessary to see that these are fabrications of those who would control the beliefs humanity, of the different countries and nations of the world, and the peoples of those nations and countries for their own benefit.

    This of course is in reference to those Elites who have power, who control. This Awareness suggests that it is necessary to go beyond that belief system, that box that would capture one as a prisoner to that system, that would keep one in that system. While it is true that these terrorists have these erroneous beliefs, this Awareness points out that holding that there is such a system, that this exists, is in itself a belief system that it is so. and it is this belief system that must be broken and severed, and disconnected from, it must be broken through so that entities, although aware that many hold such beliefs, does not ensure that they themselves are subject to it, or prisoner to those beliefs.

    That is why this Awareness suggests that the entity Larry K. starts thinking beyond the box. He has presented brilliantly the old paradigms, the old beliefs, the old proofs dial this does exist, but has he freed himself from that energy that supports such beliefs, that supports such apparent actions that are out there? Can he see beyond the box? Can he envision a world that he himself will experience free from those levels of antagonism an terrorism, where he sees the possibility of a world freed from the old paradigms, the old thoughts, the old patterns of belief and behavior, that sees the terrorists themselves turning in the weapons, that sees those government terrorists, those agencies, that instead of strapping bombs onto the chests of those who would martyr themselves, sends their sons and daughters into conflict where they will be maimed? This too is a form of terrorism; but can this entity Larry K. see beyond that and understand that those who participate are in agreement to that belief system which is why they choose to participate, why they choose to experience this?

    This applies to all who hold that this is the reality, that this is how it is. While it is unfashionable to say that it is necessary to believe that which is beyond the thoughts, still this is true. To break free and to break through of the old beliefs, one must by necessity hold new beliefs, alternative beliefs that will eventually replace those old beliefs and systems, those old paradigms.

    Awareness Offers Larry K. a Challenge

    This Awareness offers up a challenge to the entity Larry K. to go beyond the box, to see that those questions he asks are only valid if he holds to that belief system that supports such a reality, and it is perhaps time for him to truly work hard at letting go those beliefs and attitudes that support the old paradigms and the old beliefs.

    This Awareness feels complete with the question, even though it chose not to answer the specifics of this individual.

  • This Awareness indicates that it has long been a kind of policy of the forces of earth that justice is not automatically provided in the physical flesh to those who deserve it. It is for this reason that karma becomes part of the equation, and that grace has also been introduced to alleviate karma for those whose remorse is great enough to wash away their sins or errors.

    This Awareness indicates that there are forces that have been influential on the earth who have very little regard for true justice, who are motivated by greed and the desire for power, and these forces have long been prevalent; in fact, it appears that almost any force that gains consider­able power, seeks more at the expense of the meek.

    That it is for this reason that systems have been developed that will help to defuse the power that an entity can obtain. Your Constitution in the United States as that which helped to defuse that power, but which over 200 years has been whittled away so that the power is able to circumvent the Constitution, and through other organizations, has been able to form new blocs of power that are not checked by Constit­utional Law.

    This Awareness indicates that these are serious threats to this democratic system and the Constitution at this time, and other countries in the world do not even have this much going for them, and many ent­ities are but victims or subjects to whatever whims may cross the minds of the ones holding power in their country.

    The Question of Finding Justice in the World

    This Awareness indicates that the question whether it is possible for entities to find justice in the world is that which has been asked for many centuries and which will continue to be asked for centuries to come, and it is likely that there will be changes, but that these changes will not produce the total effect of a just society. That justice may come in consciousness, in the universe, in the Universal Consciousness, perhaps after death, or perhaps in future lifetimes, but that there will always be someone in the physical realm who acts unjustly towards others, for it is the nature of the duality and polarity in consciousness for there to be conflicts and the egocentricities of entities seeking to have power over others; that these entities will continue to abuse others for their own glory.

    This Awareness indicates that sadly, it is not likely to change much, but that even minor change will allev­iate some of the tragedy caused by the pursuit of power and greed. That all this power and greed comes about because of the illusion of separateness that is prevalent in the minds of entities, and this illusion of separateness comes about due to the polarities that are energized by thought; that if entities can reduce the polarities, reconcile the yes and no, reconcile opposites, see processes instead of being forced to make choices of polarized positions and values; if ent­ities can simply accentuate the positive and diminish the negative, or reconcile the extremes, then much of the extreme polarities can be reduced.

    The Proper Role of Ego & Polarization

    Tragedies will be reduced. The illusion of separateness can be reduced. This Awareness indicates that in ' nature, in physical levels polarization has its place and value, just as the ego has its place and value in the world of action, but when the ego is put in the world of thought, it is out of place and causes difficult­ies, and when polarity is put in the world of values, where entities accept and reject and in the rejection condemn others and create feelings of separateness, this is that which leads to the greater tragedies, for as entities begin to reject others, if this rejection con­tinues on a great enough scale, the entities are also rejecting themselves.

    For as entities reject the world, reject God, reject everything in their lives, isolating themselves, they may take on the illusion of holding power, but having rejected everything and everyone, they hold power over nothing. This Awareness indicates that entities need to see the full picture, the totality, not just the two sides, not just the polarized positions, not just the power they seek. They must also see the effect of that power and how it is used, for when they have the power at the expense of others, to abuse others, wherein their consciousness becomes part of that process, they may find that what they have done to others they have also done to themselves, for it eventually comes full circle, coming back to them.

    It is the Law of Gratitude, that energy which has been given goes out on a curved, unequal line, and when extended far enough, returns to its source bearing those same gifts or similar gifts that were sent out. If the entity sends out negative polarity, negative polarity comes back, even if the entity holds great power.

    This Awareness indicates that all that can be done by entities who seek to improve the situation on earth is that they do what they can for others, even though they may know that their action may not have a perm­anent effect of improving the world. This Awareness suggests that each entity should be aware that there is a strong chance that they will return to live in the world in a future life, and in this present life, if they pass through and improve the world, it may be that much better when they return, or if they go through life with an attitude of rape and pillage, when they return to this world, they may have a world that is far worse because they have previously existed with that attitude, and thus may suffer the consequences of their own attitude of rape and pillage.

    This Awareness indicates that if entities could fully see the consequences of their own actions, not only in the present, but in the future, they would be very cautious as to what actions they take. This Awareness indicates that it would behoove entities to do what they can to improve the world, if not for themselves and others within society, then for their children or for their own return in the world, in a future life, for if you mess up your own bed, then you may find yourself sleeping in that same mess the following night or the following lifetime.

    This Awareness suggests that entities learn to be neat and tidy, not only in their personal lives, but in their more extended life expressions, so that all will be made more comfortable because you have lived, and have kept things tidy and neat, and because you have served others to help them keep things more pleasant in their lives also. (CA910703)

  • The new ways may not have popular support, but they are the way true change and transformation occur, and it is in these times when there is seen greater willingness now to stand up against the tyrants in the armed opposition, that one truly recognize that this is only the old way repeating itself yet again, and for true success and transformation one must believe differently, hold things differently, see that things can change in different ways from those old ways.


    The new way is to truly hold that life is not what you were taught it was, and that Spirit is prevalent and part of you. You ARE Spirit having this physical experience. You ARE part of the greater truth and reality that goes beyond the machinations of the few that have had control for so long. Remember this! Know that seeking the Light, seeking the deep energy of God, living in the Light and in Love and in true belief that things are different now is the way forward. See it in your own lives. Hold that in your life you will not see this radical solution of armed rebellion coming forward.


    Understand that it is important to stand up and say "No!" but the line must be drawn as to whether one would pick up a weapon in order to kill the perceived enemy or whether one will stand up and say, "No! I do not believe this. I do not believe you! I do not believe in the old ways!" It will be quite challenging.


    There is now evidence such as the incident at the Bundy ranch in Nevada and the claiming of the cattle that was taken that is showing there is a willingness toward armed resistance and even armed conflict, and this too is part of these times, part of the shifting energies, but do not get drawn into such actions. Hold the higher moral ground for yourself. Hold that you are a greater force in your resistance for you are Spirit in Resistance, and there is another way. Find this other way. Know this other way and be willing to say "No!" to what has always been the truth and reality that has been foisted upon you.


    Find the deeper truth that lies within, the deeper connections that lie within. These are your connections to your Creator Being. These are your connections to Spirit. These are your connections to Divine Source. This is your true destiny. This is the way forward. Remember this during these controversial times, these times of resistance and rebellion and know that it is so. (CA140704)

  • This Awareness wishes entities to understand that It loves all of Its creation and all entities within Its creation and all of the immortal realms as well as mortal realms.

    It loves those who followed Lucifer and those who remained behind to await for Lucifer's return [Lucifer did return to God in 1967].

    This Awareness indicates that Lucifer was the Prodigal Son, and the purpose of the separation was to allow entities to discover their own individuality as well as to discover the workings of the creative forces for themselves. That there were those who loved to be obedient and to follow. There were those who loved to rebel and to strike out on their own.

    This Awareness indicates that all of these have had the opportunity for complete expression, and in that expression, have been given many lessons and many experiences from which to learn.

    This Awareness indicates that there has been much tragedy, sorrow and suffering, and that it now is time whereby entities begin to discover for themselves, without having to rely on authority, without having to be obedient to authority, without needing to bow and worship a Divine King outside themselves:

    It is time that entities know the truth, that they are all ONE, and that love and mercy, kindness and sensitivity of one to another, brings about the greatest type of joy in being; and that the joy in being is the ultimate experience.

    This Awareness indicates that this lesson cannot be taught, but that entities now are capable of discovering this for themselves. (CA070318)


    (Planet earth not intended as a 'resort area' for entities)

    COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that along with the messages given by this Awareness in relation to current events and personal affairs, this Awareness wishes to remind entities that the greater concern, even more important than personal needs and personal security in these changing times, is your personal growth and development.


    This Awareness indicates that while It gives much information in regard to lessening the sorrow. suffering and tragedy on this plane and in attempting to assist entities to learn what can be learned, to understand the various interactions of energies upon this plane which create the tragedies and difficulties; this Awareness wishes to remind entities that they are here in part, if not in total, to learn what can be learned in terms of personal growth and development.


    This Awareness indicates this plane has not been considered as a resort area in the universe, wherein entities were supposed to enjoy themselves. This is a planet on which entities have been placed for lessons which can be learned, or have volunteered to help bring about more harmonious situations, assisting in the learning of such lessons as will bring about greater harmony for the inhabitants. This Awareness indicates that therefore, the important point to keep in mind is not simply to listen for information that can be used for your advantage, but rather to discover how much you have contributed, how much you contribute to the Dark Forces of this planet, and how you can reduce the amount of contribution, while still surviving in your present existence.


    This Awareness indicates that it must first be recognized that everyone upon this planet, in one way or another, to one degree or another, contributes somewhat to the problems which are prevalent upon this planet. This Awareness indicates that even in giving good service, entities may serve those who are causing problems, and in this manner, may be assisting in the problems. This Awareness indicates this however, can also be a part of the solution, whereby entities do not make such distinctions as to who is served and who isn't, for wherein an entity begins to attempt the discrimination of who is right, and who is wrong, who should be served, and who should be denied service; such actions often lead to even greater problems. This Awareness indicates therefore, the question is not one of judgment or discernment in terms of what one should deny or what one should refuse to another, but rather a question of: How much and in what way am I contributing to the general force that is creating problems upon this plane?


    This Awareness indicates that there are some entities who contribute because of circumstances; they work at a particular job which makes some small insignificant looking part, which may in turn be a key part for a weapon of great destruction, which in turn may eventually destroy multitudes; or they work in some circumstance whereby they assist in the production of food which serves the general population, but also serves those who are of a destructive nature. This Awareness indicates that these entities, by circumstance of their occupation may be contributing to the Alien Force on this planet, and it may be impossible for them not to.


    This Awareness indicates there is another class however, who contribute by choice, not simply by circumstances nor by ignorance of the ramifications of their contribution, but rather they choose to do this particular type of work because they are competitive in nature and seek to gain power over others and be on the winning side, the side which has the greater power, and which is capable and willing to destroy others in order to maintain, gain, or hold that power. This Awareness indicates that this group as working in a greater degree of contribution to the Alien Forces.


    This Awareness indicates that those who are serving in occupations which give humanitarian services, such as the feeding of others, the caring and nursing of others; such as medical attention to the needy, wherein this is given in proper motivation and methods, wherein entities involved in educating and assisting others to grow and develop their skills, talents, techniques and abilities to improve their lives; these humanitarian efforts are those which contribute least to the Alien Forces, and most to the Forces of Light. This Awareness indicates that wherein entities wish to take stock of their activities and look carefully and ask themselves; 'How can I contribute more to the Forces of Light, to the humanitarian projects and activities, and less to those activities which are destructive and harmful to others?'; this Awareness indicates when an entity begins to look at this and ask these questions, that entity is in the process of growing and developing in his or her soul growth.


    This Awareness indicates that this is an action which is the purpose, and most meaningful upon this plane, whereby entities grow and develop themselves to be more sensitive, more aware, more spiritually oriented, and entities being more inclined towards humanitarian activities. This Awareness indicates this as a movement away from gross materialism, greed and power-seeking. This Awareness wishes entities to recognize that this is the important, the more important concern; that this concern should be given greater significance than concern for survival during difficult times, or for the quality of survival.


    This Awareness indicates that the quality of life is that which is of greater importance, but wherein this quality of life depends on the denial of such quality to others, this then is an action which does not serve the Forces of Light. This Awareness indicates the Forces of Light require that all benefit from an action, and the quality of those involved and their life-style, the quality of life is that which is enhanced by such action. This Awareness indicates that the sacrifice of one or a few for the many, or the sacrifice of many for the one is not an action which is satisfactory to the Forces of Light. (CA Speaks 70)

  • Nationwide Protests Awaken Humanity

     The Danger of Martial Law and Clamping Down on Protesters) this is the beginning of the wave of consciousness that is waking up to the enslavement that has been occurring, the enforcement of the will of the rich and elite over the masses.

    This awakening is to stir the nation to awaken as many as possible, to the truth of the situation; that the many have might and power and the few that have control do not truly have it when the masses awaken and start to protest. There is danger in this for those in charge and in power. Thus, one scenario could be that they evoke martial law and clamp down on protesters, and they start throwing them into concentration camps that are already prepared. This is the scenario that many understand and know and are focusing on.

    These protests are being allowed for the purpose of declaring martial law and then clamping down on the citizens of the United States of America. This is part of the corruption and enslavement of mankind. It is not the beginning point nor is it the ending point. It is but a stage along the way, a point along the way, and as long as people understand this, it is a very important movement, for it is representative of the awakening of consciousness. As one starts to see this, and begins to understand this, and to support this, one may be inclined to take part in such protests.

    If one chooses to take part, always protect oneself by bringing the Circle of Light and Love around oneself and around the group. These protests must be seen from this higher perspective. As the process of awakening, they represent mankind starting to wake up, first of all in the United States of America, but this Awareness reminds all that other nations have been protesting all the yearlong, and that the wave has finally reached America and American soil. This is also a beginning point in that America embodies the principle of greed and avarice to such a degree that it is the template for the planet in a manner of speaking. America thinks of itself as being the leader in so many ways, but mostly in a materialistic way, and as such has represented the materialistic template or concept of reality.

    In this awakening of this most powerful nation, this will spread as it is a spiritual awakening that will begin to touch many. The protests that have been happening have been to overthrow the dictatorship and tyranny, but this has also been to awaken the masses to the spiritual aspect of life, of what is also available at the higher levels of consciousness if it is brought down and grounded into physical reality. These must be seen as peace marches, as they were known in the 60s, bringing love into the realm. When they are focused on as being confrontational, where it is many who are seeking to fight the police and the authorities, to fight the man, this will bring a negative energy into this and portrays a lack of understanding of what this protest movement is truly about.

    Forget it being a protest movement and instead focus on it as being a peace movement, bringing peace and light and love back into the world, surrounding those who are the Elite, the controllers, with Light and Love. If this element can be brought into this movement it will produce an extraordinary result, and will be the new template to go around the world and show others how to elevate their protests from conflict and response to those who are in control, to something much different; to allowing the Light of the Divine to finally enter in at this mass level, to the hearts and minds and lives of the many who have been oppressed for so long. It is part of the Ascension process.

    Simply always focus on the energy of Light and Love in this movement, versus battle and conflict. As one works with the energies Light and Love and peace then this is what will be brought into human consciousness at a higher level. When one works at the level of conflict and aggression, where it is a battle against the oppressing forces, then one is simply playing into the energies of the oppressors and nothing will truly change. Many will be rounded up, and many will be arrested and beaten, but nothing will truly change. Make this the opportunity to see these protest movements as movements for peace, light and love. (CA111107)

  • QUESTION: A question from S.D. of Pennsylvania: "As a prior Service member, I have observed that many Americans in the military community, Service members and dependents alike, firmly believe that killing people in order to protect America's "interests" is morally acceptable. Can killing thousands or even millions of innocent people ever be truly justifiable? War scars people's lives; yet some soldiers, either out of boredom or resulting from an illusion of `obligation' or of `glory' or of past wars, thirst for the fire and excitement of combat. Is this successful brainwashing on the army's part?

    On the other hand, some Service members fear participation in a full-scale war, but popular movies such as The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, and Coming Home have reaffirmed their flimsy idea that the responsibility of "maintaining America's freedoms by way of bloodshed" rests on their shoulders. If they don't do it, who will?, they ask. Would Awareness please comment on these related questions?

    COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that It has given some information in regards to entities' rights to protect themselves and their loved ones . This Awareness indicates this also applies to the protection of your group or unit. This Awareness indicates that the question is not as much one of moral concern as it is a question of spiritual, intellectual and social evolution of a lifestyle and concept which is energized out of proportion to other concepts which could be energized to make such violence unnecessary.


    This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity is being attacked, it is natural for the entity to wish to defend and protect herself and her family. This Awareness indicates that when a group is attacked, it is natural for that group to seek to protect itself and its members. This Awareness indicates that when the attack is not yet in motion, but appears to be imminent as a threat, it is natural that an entity or a group might wish to prepare to meet the attack, or even to attack first, in order to gain the element of surprise which may be necessary as a part of defense. This Awareness indicates these concepts are the basis of all wars which have occurred in defense of one's interests and security for oneself or one's group.


    This Awareness indicates there are also those concepts of seeking to extend one's value system on others who have not accepted it and who might counter with their own value system. Therefore, imposing one's value system on the other is that which often becomes the motive for military action, or violence against another.


    This Awareness indicates still a more sinister and common reason for attacking another militarily and with such violence is to gain what the other group will lose if your group wins. This Awareness indicates that this has other forms, whereby gaining may take place in other areas besides that which is taken from the enemy. This Awareness indicates that none of these is justified in the higher sense, but all of these actions can be justified when involved in ignorance, in levels of karma, circumstance, and the confusion of the various illusions in conscious- ness.


    This Awareness indicates that these entities who believe it is necessary for someone to defend the nation, are absolutely correct given the present circumstances, as they see those circumstances from that frame of reference, from those levels of understanding. This Awareness indicates that were these entities from another frame of reference, they might discover that it is not so much "the folks at home" who are being protected, but the "big boys" up front with all the money who are being protected by this army. (CA Speaks 80)

  • This Awareness indicates that the premise that entities are here for the development of the soul is not precisely correct. This Awareness indicates that while this is essential and important for entities on earth to develop their soul, part of the purpose for entities on earth is to make the earth a better place for each other and for creating an environment that preserves the natural beauty of the the earth in order for the future generations to have a place of enjoyment.

    This Awareness indicates that being stewards of the earth helps entities to develop values which in turn helps the soul to have a proper climate for growth and development. These go together. This Awareness indicates that wherein entities fail to understand the importance of promoting a better place for each other in terms of the environment, wherein entities fail to understand the importance of creating beauty and loving environments, entities will grow in a hostile environment to become more concerned with survival, and this is what causes the appearance of soul to be retarded as time passes.

    This Awareness indicates as entities enter into a hostile environment, the soul growth becomes less important and physical preservation becomes more important to the entity, and thus the soul does appear to move backward [devolve]. Rather then developing, it is losing its development. This Awareness indicates therefore, not only should entities seek to develop their soul, they should also seek to promote an environment where others can develop their souls, can have more harmony in their world, and can enjoy the beauty of great art, great expression, enjoyment, pleasure and security and knowing that they are socially safe and loved by others.

    This Awareness indicates that if all entities cared for each other's general welfare, promoting the best world possible for each other, the soul growth would become much easier and more enduring throughout life.

    This Awareness indicates that those forces that are working toward the New World Order, that are seeking to enslave the masses, that are seeking to keep entities ignorant, to destroy the educational systems; those forces are seen as on the threshold of diminishing their existence and purpose and influence in society, so that they will gradually cease to have influence over the generations of children and young people so that the drugs will fade, the values will return, and future generations will begin to recognize the importance of good social values. 


    This Awareness indicates that this is seen as that which may not come about without some great crisis and intensities from sources other than the children, the leaders of a society, but may come instead from the people in the society who had and held strong social values and are willing to step out and take a stand for those values and try to preserve such values for future generations. (CA951011)


    Hope for a better world here on Earth

    This Awareness indicates that it is always good to hope for the best that one can imagine. It is also good to work toward any improvement possible, to help others improve their lives, and to give yourself every opportunity to improve your life. These are approaches that one can use. In other words, pursuing happiness for yourself and others without depriving others of their happiness is an approach that can be beneficial.

    Why Utopia Will Never Occur on Earth

    This Awareness indicates that there is not likely to be any absolute ideal utopian experience on earth. It is really not what you are here for at this time. Your purpose on earth is to learn what you can about yourself in relationship to whatever experience you come into contact with and to learn how to deal with those experiences so that you can better your life spiritually, mentally , physically and emotionally.

    This Awareness indicates that without the adversity you would not have much incentive to try to learn to improve yourself. Therefore, the idea of creating a utopian world would deny entities incentives to improve their own lives or to help others improve theirs. Therefore, It would take away most of your meaning for being here.


    It is likened unto the child who goes to college and asks "How can we learn this stuff without studying? How can we get this information without having to put out energies? We want fun, and studying and learning just simply isn't as much fun as I expected!" This Awareness indicates that living on earth is not intended to be a place of pure enjoyment.

    Earth is intended as being a place for entities to learn about themselves, about principles of life, about each other and the relationships involved, and if entities learn these things, they will find greater happiness in living. This Awareness indicates that were thee to be suddenly, a utopian, wherein all food, all comforts, all joys were provided to every entity on earth simultaneously and constantly, what would anyone learn about themselves, about each other and their place in the relationship of things?


    This Awareness indicates the adversity in life is that which serves as the greatest teacher, and when you can accept that you are learning, that you are here to learn, everything takes on a new meaning and a new purpose and nothing is quite as bad as it was before.


    This Awareness indicates that in most cases, when you learn the lesson involved in a situation, the situation changes and you are ready to move on to something else. You do not have to stay in a situation once you've learned the lesson that is being taught by the situation. (CA020305)

  • The Next Step in Preparing For the New Paradigm

    This Awareness indicates that the next step is to fully accept that you are in the new paradigm, and that you hold this as the singular truth above all else, and that you continually look to that new presentation of a new paradigm as the new way to live your life; that you are in constant reflection at this time to see that when one energizes that which is of a negative nature, one will experience negative events.

    When one begins to truly energize a positive outlook and to hold that all is well, all is shifting, all is changing, that this will be the evidence that you start to gather around you. There is that which can be done through meditation and inner reflection, but it is not necessary to spend hours in meditation. It is simply necessary to be reflective- to hold to this new reality, and even when evidence appears that does not seem to support it, ask yourself what is occurring, what level of fear is being triggered.


    Often the fear that is most being triggered is that nothing is happening, and this is of course a Catch 22 scenario. If one is afraid that nothing is happening, then nothing happens, which reinforces the fear that nothing is happening. When one starts to realize that it is only false evidence appearing real [fear] that is occurring, one faces their fear. One begins to deny their fear, one begins to tune in to their greater truth, their greater energy, and in this tuning in one can allow those heightened energies of the Divine Force of Spirit to truly come through and truly participate in one's life, and one begins to see that the changes that are occurring are evidence of this new state of consciousness, this new paradigm that is now starting to be formed, that is starting to be created. (CA130205)

  • This Awareness indicates that all organizations, all governments, all cultures, all religions have rules [which are not 'The Law']. These rules can be called by different names [such as Acts, Bills, Canons, Codes, Orders, Mandates etc.].

    In religion they are called morals and dogmas. You cannot deny a religion its morals and dogmas and rules any more than you can deny a corporation its right to have its own rules for its employees and members. However, when the corporation is set with its rules, it does not reach out into society to impose its corporate rules on those who are not part of the corporation [a Universal Sovereign-Being Author is a living man or living woman and is not part of a corporation, hence their rules do not apply] .

    General Motors does not reach out and try to impose its rules on others who are not in any way associated with General Motors. So it should be with religions. If entities select to be part of a church group organization and agree to abide by the rules, that is their choice. Those who do not elect to be part of that organization [ corporation] or its rules should not be expected to abide by its rules and regulations.  (CA050609)

    [Note: Governments are also corporations and to impose their rules upon people they created the registered Birth Certificate which creates an artificial/fictitious PERSON also known as a corporation, in order to establish a 'contract'. Such a contract is 'null and void' primarily because it is not valid due to the absence of full disclosure and informed consent as well as barratry and personage]. 

    This Awareness indicates that any good idea, no matter how good, if held too strong, and too rigid, and too narrow, and too forcefully, can create fanatics, and such fanatics can do more harm to the idea than good. (CA050611)


    This Awareness indicates that in the Fall of 1978 this Awareness gave information relating to the Gathering Storm in consciousness whereby the long-planned dictatorship to be created as a one-world government would be triggered by economic crisis and international affairs to such a level that entities would be caught in situations whereby they would tend to welcome any solution put forth by those who could control the situations.


    This Awareness indicates that the time is growing closer, the events are transpiring, the movement has begun toward these events. There are certain modifications in terms of the timing and degree of effect in these circumstances. There are some countering forces and some forces which are new and which contribute even more than was given at that time. This Awareness indicates that essentially, however, the message remains the same, except in that the forces spoken of in the 1978 Gathering Storm material have been modified slightly and are less powerful than they were at the time of the reading, and the forces which are countering are increased by approximately twice the amount in that period of less than two years.


    This Awareness indicates that the longer the time goes, and the more the countering forces awaken each other, the less chance those forces will have in setting up that one-world government based on the enslavement of the masses through the computer economic system. This Awareness indicates that one thing which must be watched is in the realm of deception, whereby an economic and global condition is created to cause a sense of panic among the masses, so that they believe they have totally lost all hope and control in their lives. For when this absolute confusion occurs, it is at that point that the powers seeking domination and change toward the one-world government shall bring forth their answers to establish a solution to the problem which they themselves created.


    This Awareness indicates that this may occur as an economic collapse, or a nuclear holocaust, or a combination of both, or possibly a modified version of the war which was predicted, but which may not be as...(This Awareness indicates this as possibly a limited type of war, accompanied by economic and political collapse and other social and physiological chaos.)


    This Awareness indicates that wherein these things come to pass, beware of deception. For those forces which then may enter as saviors, as messiahs, as rescuers to give reprieve to suffering humanity- - these may well indeed be but the advanced technology of those same forces which brought about the conditions from which you are to be rescued. And when this occurs, these forces may simply ask that entities let them straighten out the world's problems, asking that entities simply do as they say, and they will clear up the mess which humanity has created. Therefore, the masses may turn over all of their personal control, freedom, individuality to these entities that they may set up the new order of the ages according to their own intention and without any voice from the masses.


    This Awareness indicates this as needing to he understood and watched carefully. For it is an old trick, used for many centuries, whereby one creates in another a moment of confusion, then provides an answer to reprogram that entity into believing something which the programmer wishes the entity to accept. This Awareness indicates this as the method commonly used by entities to de-program one set of beliefs while implanting another set of beliefs into the mind of the entity. This Awareness indicates that this same approach is also capable of being applied to the mass mind of humanity. (CA Speaks 63)

  • The true Powers That be, whether they are called the Illuminati, the Elite, The Powers That Be, have one goal in mind that predominates all other goals and that is the eventual enslavement and absolute control and power over the people, not only of the United States, but also of the world itself. It does not matter to them if there are different political mindsets or ways of looking at the world.

    Some Differences Between Republicans and Democrats

    The Republicans tend to be very conservative and conservatism is what they practice when they come to power, thus everything constricts. Restraint is practiced. The belts are drawn in. The Democrats on the other hand are liberal. Thus they see it is necessary for certain other tenets to be practiced and they tend to expand, allowing the spending of monies and the formation of programs that would be beneficial to individuals and to people of different economic social backgrounds.


    The Grand Illusion: The idea that People Have a Choice

    These two approaches are perhaps different to a degree, but ultimately the truth is that both parties have their political masters and this can only go so far. It is presented as a differences between the two to instill that concept that there is a difference. Thus they can be voted out if they do not fulfill the needs of the people. It is all part of the grand illusion that the people\'s choice and the people's voice makes a difference, and that if a Democratic Party is voted in that the nation will do much better, and if a Republican Party is voted in, it will do so much worse.


    Of course if one is a Democrat, that is how it may be seen. If one is a Republican, the opposite would be seen, and the Republicans offer great hope and great salvation to the people while the Democrats are the ones that cause great damage and financial depletion. It is simply a matter of political mindset and the kind of philosophical stance one takes will determine how they view the political party and the results obtained by that party, be it Republican or Democrat. It is not seen by this Awareness that ultimately there is much different between either parties.

    The reference that the Democrats bring money into the nation and things go so much better is not seen as totally supported by the facts of the matter. It may seem on some level that this is so, but the Awareness sees that in truth, it is not the total case here. Thus, it is that the Powers That Be that stand behind either party are always in control, always directing it to the ultimate purpose of that enslavement of humanity that it has as its ultimate goal. It allows the two separate parties to play the game and present the illusion that there is a difference so that people will not unity in their opposition to both parties and demand a change in total leadership and in the political structure.

    It is seen as advantageous to the Powers That Be to promote the illusion that the people can make a choice and can vote in one party or the other and thus have that sense that they are still in charge, that they are the voice, and that the government [corporation] must hear the voice of the people. Living with this dream or this illusion prevents an action that would oust those political parties that are really the means by which the Powers That Be control. It would also create perhaps a situation of looking deeper into the situation and of ousting the Powers That Be.

    They have long lived by illusion. They have always been hidden and in the shadow, and from this place in the shadow they have been able to do their magic [dark], if you will. They cannot be exposed, for exposure would bring about their demise. Thus, it is that for the system to work properly, it has to be presented that there are choices, and the political parties are different and offer different things to the people at different times. (CA090215)

  • Those who choose not to hear the truth are those who attack the speaker of truth. This is more often the case now from low levels. By that, this Awareness means by those friends and family members in one's life, not necessarily the high levels of authority.


    It is so that a system has been created whereby those in everyday life hold strong opinions and beliefs that have been manipulated. Those who stand up to speak the truth are disqualified by one's own friends and family and one's own peers, and it becomes a difficult situation to stand up and proclaim that the emperor is not wearing clothes or that one's government is involved in illegal activity against the people , where their rights as free individuals are being taken. For those who speak such truth, it is often difficult, for many simply do not want to look at this truth, but it is imperative that each and every individual does look at the truth of what is occurring.

    This Awareness is not saying that this will happen. It is saying it is imperative that individuals do so, and to start with one's own self, to understand that simply because one believes something different and is able to see the truth, and is even willing to speak the truth does not mean that they are wrong. Quite the opposite in fact! It means that there is a willingness by the individual to stand up against those naysayers, those who would enforce the system at that first level, the personal level that is experienced by many. Those who speak the truth are often labeled as traitors and lunatics. There is at this time a strong case against an individual.

    This Awareness would say there are several examples at this time of individuals who have spoken the truth at the highest levels and are now being hunted and even punished. This is referring to Edward Snowden, who is being persecuted in a witch-hunt by the American government because he has been labeled 'traitor.' What he has done, the whistle-blowing against the NSA and other security agencies of the United States being labeled as criminal, yet this Awareness says this individual has great courage, even at the cost of his own life, for his life IS in danger. This is what this Awareness would label and call a true patriot, for he is willing to stand up and speak the truth despite the consequences. He is aware that he will not get a fair trial in the United States and he might even be sentenced to imprisonment, and even, if he is truly called traitor, to execution. Yet this man has spoken the truth at great cost to himself, at forfeiture of his own right to live in the country of his birth because he has chosen to speak the truth. (CA130908)

  • There was a time, even one or two generations back, when money was of a necessity to everyone, but there were other things of great importance too. Freedom was once of great importance to entities in this country [and other countries]. Today, people would sell their freedom, if they were paid enough to do so. Now, the bottom line is money, totally, and entities are willing to sell their souls for the proper amount of money.


    Something Very Sinister is Happening and it Concerns Money

    This Awareness indicates they are willing to give up their freedom. They are even selling children in some of these countries so that they can have the money the children bring on the market for body parts or for prostitution or whatever. This Awareness indicates there is something very sinister happening, and it is based on the over-emphasis on the value of money.


    There was a time when money was desired because it could help bring about greater freedom, or greater benefits in life or it could help to give your children something worthwhile: an education or better clothes or something of benefit to the children, to the family. Now entities are ready to sell their family, to sell their own souls to get more money, even thought the money does not bring them happiness, and cannot bring them happiness, if they have sold their soul, if they have sold their families out.

    The Dark Forces Use Money to Control and Enslave Entities

    This Awareness indicate there is something very sinister happening based on the money factor which is the bottom line control of the Dark Forces. The Dark Forces were well aware that the use of money could be a hook, could be the bait, could be the way by which humanity is snared into servitude and slavery of the Dark Forces in their global agenda, and in this case (television), even the entities holding the cameras and presenting entertainment for the masses are ensnared to use these entertainment techniques to capture audiences in order that they themselves , the entertainers, can make more money.


    They are not interested in pure entertainment or giving enjoyment to an audience. They are interested in getting money from the audience to buy products so that they themselves can get more money from the advertisers, get higher ratings for their shows and so forth. This Awareness indicates everyone appears to be selling out that which is of value in life for the bottom line of money.


    This Awareness indicates that if you look carefully, you will see that the people with the most amounts of money are not happy, are not satisfied with life. They are without the joys  that could have been theirs' and which many entities in the past few generations have experienced. They are indeed miserable, but they still seek to find their happiness by increasing the amount of money they have.

    Money Can't Buy Happiness Even for Billionaires

    They may have 40 billion dollars, but they feel unhappy because their lives are not fulfilled, and instead of finding relationships that are fulfilling, they turn to business and seek to gain greater wealth, using their 40 billion dollars to make 80 billion, and when they have 80 billion, they will still not be satisfied, not be happy. They will want to turn it into 160 billion dollars, and each new goal, when fulfilled, only create a new goal for greater money, but they do not seem to recognize the futility of their pursuit, and they will still sell their mother or their best friend, if they can gain more money from doing so.

    This Awareness indicates that the television techniques of capturing the minds of entities through these camera tricks and sound tricks is not necessarily a cause. It is a symptom of the greed that has taken control of you society. It is a result of that greed and it is a symptom of the sickness that has resulted from the greed. It, in turn, creates its own kinds of further symptoms, which is a generation of anxiety-ridden children. (CA030614)


    It is imperative to truly examine why there is such fear of the events ahead...Many hold fear of the loss of what they have worked for so hard to gain and to build and to have, this is in error, and it is now time to diligently work towards a new conception and understanding. Even though one may have worked hard to create that which one has, it was simply part of the game, part of the way one chose to believe and to experience reality.


    There is a new game that is ready to be introduced. Look towards this with excitement and hope and avoid delving deeply into neurosis and fear, especially fear around the loss of physical possessions and materials. This will help tremendously in allowing one to move forward to that which is unfolding, whereas holding fear will constrain one, and will restrict one and even perhaps prevent one from moving into the energies of Ascension.


    It is indeed as choice that is being offered, and this Awareness definitely supports the choice and that which awaits will be a glorious and uplifting adventure. Hold to this and believe in this if it is possible for you to do so. If it is necessary to plan, continue to plan, but do not be surprised when the best plans go astray. Rather than see this as a personal devastation, see this as yet another areas to let go of and to trust as much as one can that things are still okay, and all will still work out even if the plans one has made do not find fulfillment.


    This is a difficult and challenging area, and while this Awareness is trying to be positive, It does understand how difficult it is to let go of that which is known, that which has always composed the reality of one's experiences. (CA100807)

  • This Awareness indicates that the ruler reflects the will of the people over whom he or she rules. This is not always represented as active will, wherein an entity states: "I will that this person rules me," but rather, in most cases the ruler moves into power with the tacit agreement or passive agreement of the masses, simply because they do not object to the rulership. There is a kind of unwritten law that if you do not object to something being imposed on you, then you are accept­ing it.

    Why Tyrants Take Control Over a People

    This Awareness indicates that likewise, when a ruler imposes something upon you. if you accept it without objection, then you are in a kind of silent agreement, even if it is not a written agreement or a spoken agree­ment. This Awareness indicates that this is how tyrants generally take control of others; not so much by force, out by the fact that no one challenges them until it becomes too late.

    This Awareness indicates that it becomes too late when the challenge is ineffective. The challenge of an entity is ineffective when it can have no value or effect on the outcome. This Awareness indicates in a demo­cratic society where entities are allowed to vote, entities have the option and ability to have an effect with their vote, even though that effect may be minor.

    This Awareness indicates that the outcome of the voting may not be what entities desired, but if you at least participated in the voting, you have made your voice known, and by the action of voting for or against something, you have exercised your choice. This Awareness indicates that for many entities they do not have this option, but have only the choice of challenging against odds that are overwhelming to them, wherein especially there are no votes allowed. Such entities may be subjected to the rulership from others or forced to risk their lives to challenge that rulership, such as recently occurred in Tiananmen Square m China.

    The Importance of Expressing Your Vote

    This Awareness indicates that these entities had little choice of who their rulers rule, but by careful planning and organizing managed to get enough together to make a major statement for all the world to see, even though it was not sufficient to overturn the ruling powers whom they challenged. This Awareness indicates that entities who have choices and who do not use their right of choice through voting, essentially are agreeing to let whatever happens happen without their participation and therefore, deserve whatever they get, even if they do not feel their vote would amount to that much in the process.

    This Awareness indicates that as long as entities continue to vote, it keeps the voting process alive, and that becomes an influence on the behavior of leaders. If

    there is no voting process, then what is there for entities to use other than the force of arms and revolution? This Awareness indicates that the question does not appear to have been answered in all of its aspects, and suggests that it may be restated in the aspects needing further answer.

    This Awareness indicates it is karma for those who do hot wish to take responsibility for themselves but to allow others to take care of them. There are a great number of entities who are passively looking for someone who will take charge of them so that they don't have to be responsible for their own behavior. They would like to have someone tell them what to do, and therefore, they accept authority without question or without challenge.

    This Awareness indicates that in some cases, to chal­lenge the authority can be most dangerous and can be life threatening, yet there are those who have done so in different times of history and when done in certain ways have themselves become leaders of revolutions to change society. Too often, however, the revolution only changes the people and the society remains the same and the new rulers are no better than the rulers who were replaced.

    The Best Way to Change the Situation

    This Awareness indicates that the greatest way to change a situation is through the educating and inform­ing of the masses, informing people of the problems and allowing solutions to be found, or looking tor solutions that can be given to solve these problems. Often leaders will also want solutions. Often leaders do not have the answers and seek to find answers. Sometimes leaders are not even aware of the problems that are occurring under their rule. (CA990708)


    Manipulating Mass Consciousness

    . . . unless entities are on one side or another, it is difficult to be manipulated. Therefore the effort and intent was to create two camps, setting one against the other and raising the situation to such a level that a world war would appear inevitable, holding the tension for such a long period of time that entities in fear of their lives would gradually surrender their entire belief system which had been programmed into them by these two polarized forces. They would surrender this into a concept of a One World Government controlled by those who were the perpetrators of the action to begin with.


    The concept of the One World Government would be ideal as a solution to avoid wars; however, this is the same old trick used by so many--creating the illness so that you can then give the pill that cures the illness. This is a trick of religions, whereby you are told that you are a sinner, and therefore must take the pill of salvation.


    This manipulation in terms of the Cold War as one where you are set up to either kill or be killed, or settle for a ruler over your lives. This is a trick commonly used by parents with children when they tell the child: "You have a choice! Either sit in the corner, or do what I say!" These actions of giving two alternatives, both of them negative, are forms of manipulation. (CA140503)

  • Many live a hard working life feeling they are living what is the norm, what is traditional, what everyone else lives, and what is normal. But in truth this type of mentality and these ideals, while they define a category of experience, and while they define a mindset held by a group that is in the majority, often do not constitute the truth.


    They simply constitute a belief in how to live one's life, what the values of life are about, what should be sustained and passed on to one's children so that they too can work hard, and have the money needed to be able to buy the things in a materialistic culture that one deems as essential and important for one's life and welfare. This includes everything from a home, a house, a roof over one's head, to the automobile one purchases, to the goods one puts into the house, and the material objects one furnishes the house with.


    The working to create savings, the working to put the children through college, the working to have security and well-being, all are based on the belief that to work hard in a prescribed manner within the context of the socially accepted paradigms of belief of the culture, is what is the truth. But again, it is not the truth at all. It is a lie perpetuated by those in power who do not wish the citizenry to find out that the lie keeps them enslaved in a way of life that all deem is normal and right and correct.


    Those who do not believe it start to fall out of such a normal structure of society. These ones become deviants, dropouts, these ones become those who defy the normal beliefs of society as to what merits those who have value in a society, and what does not mark one as being of value to a society, what marks one as being deviant.


    Those who subscribe to the beliefs that to hold societal standards is the way forward, will fight hard to maintain those beliefs, will even fight wars to support their way of life, even going abroad and fighting wars in other countries- all under the banner of protecting their way of life, protecting their democracies. It is not even seen by those who follow the calling of the ones who mislead that hosting wars on foreign lands is but itself a lie, a misdirection of the highest and best of Spirit. They do their patriotic duty, living a lie, not questioning it, not reviewing it, not challenging it- all for the sake of being normal, all for the sake of living under the banner of thoughts and concepts and beliefs that mark normality.


    The lies this Awareness is suggesting one start reviewing and challenging are of course never considered as being lies by those who hold them to be truths. But as these are the End Times, as individuals are being challenged now to review those elements of their lives that still keep them bound to third dimensionality, that keep them bound to the darkness, to those who have control, it is time to review even the standards of one's life and to truly begin to ask questions. (CA120110)

The Powers That Be will try to dumb down the world populace and keep them ignorant and asleep. But even these efforts will fail, for it is time for the many timelines to coalesce for a period of time, so that the new futures can emerge.


If one stays focused on their inner experience and works on themselves for greater self-awareness and understanding, one will be able to look through the maya that is being created by the Powers That Be.


Equally, one can lose oneself in the illusion being created by the Powers That Be that one has no control over their life or their reality, and that one is a victim, receiving the energies of chaos and death and destruction that surrounds them. It is therefore of extreme importance in these End Times to remain calm, focused, positive and pure to the positive future that lies ahead.


Sometimes one must go through the disruption and the loss of all that is loved and familiar in order to move forward. One can do so in resentment and hostility, becoming lost in the unfolding chaos, or one can do so with great positivity, faith and trust that what they may be experiencing directly or indirectly needs to transpire for the old ways to come to an end so that the new times may be birthed.


Do not go meekly into the dark night full of fear and trepidation but rather greet it with a sense of power and certainty that as things unfold, all will be well and one will be led into the New Dawn of the world being born before your very eyes. The choice is yours. (CA121002)

Night Sky with Stars

This Awareness indicates that the premise that entities are here for the development of the soul is not precisely correct. This Awareness indicates that while this is essential and important for entities on earth to develop their soul, part of the purpose for entities on earth is to make the earth a better place for each other and for creating an environment that preserves the natural beauty of the the earth in order for the future generations to have a place of enjoyment.

This Awareness indicates that being stewards of the earth helps entities to develop values which in turn helps the soul to have a proper climate for growth and development. These go together. This Awareness indicates that wherein entities fail to understand the importance of promoting a better place for each other in terms of the environment, wherein entities fail to understand the importance of creating beauty and loving environments, entities will grow in a hostile environment to become more concerned with survival, and this is what causes the appearance of soul to be retarded as time passes.

This Awareness indicates as entities enter into a hostile environment, the soul growth becomes less important and physical preservation becomes more important to the entity, and thus the soul does appear to move backward [devolve]. Rather then developing, it is losing its development. This Awareness indicates therefore, not only should entities seek to develop their soul, they should also seek to promote an environment where others can develop their souls, can have more harmony in their world, and can enjoy the beauty of great art, great expression, enjoyment, pleasure and security and knowing that they are socially safe and loved by others.

This Awareness indicates that if all entities cared for each other's general welfare, promoting the best world possible for each other, the soul growth would become much easier and more enduring throughout life.

This Awareness indicates that those forces that are working toward the New World Order, that are seeking to enslave the masses, that are seeking to keep entities ignorant, to destroy the educational systems; those forces are seen as on the threshold of diminishing their existence and purpose and influence in society, so that they will gradually cease to have influence over the generations of children and young people so that the drugs will fade, the values will return, and future generations will begin to recognize the importance of good social values. 


This Awareness indicates that this is seen as that which may not come about without some great crisis and intensities from sources other than the children, the leaders of a society, but may come instead from the people in the society who had and held strong social values and are willing to step out and take a stand for those values and try to preserve such values for future generations. (CA951011)

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that It loves all of Its creation and all entities within Its creation and all of the immortal realms as well as mortal realms.

It loves those who followed Lucifer and those who remained behind to await for Lucifer's return [Lucifer did return in 1969].

This Awareness indicates that Lucifer was the Prodigal Son, and the purpose of the separation was to allow entities to discover their own individuality as well as to discover the workings of the creative forces for themselves. That there were those who loved to be obedient and to follow. There were those who loved to rebel and to strike out on their own.

This Awareness indicates that all of these have had the opportunity for complete expression, and in that expression, have been given many lessons and many experiences from which to learn.

This Awareness indicates that there has been much tragedy, sorrow and suffering, and that it now is time whereby entities begin to discover for themselves, without having to rely on authority, without having to be obedient to authority, without needing to bow and worship a Divine King outside themselves:

It is time that entities know the truth, that they are all ONE, and that love and mercy, kindness and sensitivity of one to another, brings about the greatest type of joy in being; and that the joy in being is the ultimate experience.

This Awareness indicates that this lesson cannot be taught, but that entities now are capable of discovering this for themselves. (CA070318)


This Awareness indicates that all organizations, all governments, all cultures, all religions have rules [which are not 'The Law']. These rules can be called by different names [such as Acts, Bills, Canons, Codes, Orders, Mandates etc.]

In religion they are called morals and dogmas. You cannot deny a religion its morals and dogmas and rules any more than you can deny a corporation its right to have its own rules for its employees and members. However, when the corporation is set with its rules, it does not reach out into society to impose its corporate rules on those who are not part of the corporation [a Universal Sovereign-Being Author is a living man or living woman and is not part of a corporation, hence their rules do not apply] .

General Motors does not reach out and try to impose its rules on others who are not in any way associated with General Motors. [Governments are also corporations and to impose their rules [artificial laws] upon people, they created the registered Birth Certificate which creates an artificial/fictitious PERSON also known as a corporation in order to establish a 'contract'. Such a contract is null and void primarily because it is not valid due to the absence of full disclosure]. So it should be with religions. If entities select to be part of a church group organization and agree to abide by the rules, that is their choice. Those who do not elect to be part of that organization [ corporation] or its rules should not be expected to abide by its rules and regulations.  (CA050609)

This Awareness indicates that any good idea, no matter how good, if held too strong, and too rigid, and too narrow, and too forcefully, can create fanatics, and such fanatics can do more harm to the idea than good. (CA050611)

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